Acknowledgement to Authors, Reviewers and Editors of Fortune Journal of Rheumatology in 2021

Article Information

Fortune Journal of Rheumatology, Editorial Office, Fortune Journals, 11355 Richmond Ave #507, Houston, TX 77082, USA

Published: 26 March 2021


Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 3 (2021): 1-3

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Article Details

Rigorous peer-review is the main part in building the cornerstone of high-quality academic publishing. The editorial team greatly appreciates the authors, reviewers who contributed their knowledge and expertise to the journal’s editorial process over the past 24 months. In 2020, a total of 12 articles was published in the journal with a median time to first decision of 10 days and a median time to publication of 15 days. The editorial office would like to express their sincere gratitude to the following authors, reviewers and editors for their cooperation and dedication in 2020:


Ruchit Shah, et al. [1]

Firdevs Ulutas, et al. [2]

Alex Pontes De Macedo, et al. [3]

Muhammad Sohaib Asghar, et al. [4-6]

Fadi Hassan, et al. [7]

Maryam Sahebari, et al. [8]

Svetlana Topolyanskaya, et al. [9,12]

Ye Chunhua, et al. [10]

Breno Pazinatto Antonio, et al. [11]

Editors and Reviewers:

Emmanuel Andres

Ciro Manzo

Tamer A Gheita

Kennedy Amaral J

Daniela Melchiorre

Lelli Behrooz

Kristine McCluskey

Tanja Grubic Kezele

Vahid ziaee

Ilaria Tinazzi

Abdolamir Karbalaie


  1. Vikas Trivedi, Ruchit Shah, Shakeel Qidwai, et al. Association between MATN-3 Gene Polymorphism and Primary Knee Osteoarthritis in Indian Population: A Community-Based Case-Control Study. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 001-012.
  2. Firdevs Ulutas, Ugur Karasu, Serdar Kaymaz, et al. Successful Treatment of Spontaneous Splenic Rupture in a Patient with Polyarteritis Nodosa. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 013-015.
  3. Alex Pontes De Macedo, José Fabio Santos Duarte Lana, Carolina Masini Pedrozo, et al. The Regenerative Medicine Potential of PRP in Elite Athlete Injuries. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 016-026.
  4. Muhammad Sohaib Asghar, Abubakar Tauseef, Maryam Zafar, et al. Pseudo-Pseudo Meigs' Syndrome in a Patient with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Flare. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 027-031.
  5. Muhammad Sohaib Asghar, Abubakar Tauseef, Muhammad Sohaib Qamar, et al. Nailfold Changes as a Sign of Underlying Systemic Illnesses. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 042-060.
  6. Usman Tauseef, Mohsina Ibrahim, Muhammad Sohaib Asghar, et al. Osteogenesis Imperfecta: Serine Replacing Glycine in the COL1A1 Gene-A New Establishment in Genetics. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 061-066.
  7. Fadi Hassan, Amir Saab, Ziv Paz, et al. The Clinical Heterogenicity and the Diagnostic Challenges of Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathies. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 032-041.
  8. Kamila Hashemzadeh, Massoud Saghafi, Mohammad Khajedaluee, et al. Synovial Anti Cyclic Citrullinated Peptide Antibodies in Comparison with Serum Antibodies in Early and Late Rheumatoid Arthritis. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 067-073.
  9. Topolyanskaya SV, Bubman LI. Macroangiopathy in Systemic Sclerosis-Case Report and Literature Review. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 074-083.
  10. Wu Jinjin, Sha Yaping, Ye Chunhua, et al. Holistic Nursing Care in a Case of Allergic Granulomatous Antigitis with Subglottic Stenosis. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 084-089.
  11. Renato Luiz Bevilacqua de Castro, Breno Pazinatto Antonio, Gustavo Concon de Castro, et al. Is the Association of Platelet Rich Plasma and Hyaluronic Acid Useful for Severe Knee Arthrosis? Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 090-106.
  12. Svetlana Topolyanskaya. Squamous Cell Skin Carcinoma in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Case Report and Literature Review. Fortune Journal of Rheumatology 2 (2020): 107-117.

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