Ultrasonic and Laboratory Predictors of Pregnancy Loss in Patients with Threatened Miscarriage: A Three-Year Observational Study
Author(s): Abd-Elhaseib Salah
Objectives: The aim of this study was to assess the relation between different abnormalities of the yolk sac, serum level of Cancer Antigen 125 (CA-125) and serum level of Beta Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (β –HCG) as early predictors of first trimester pregnancy loss in patients with threatened miscarriage.
Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted on 292 pregnant women between six to 13 weeks of gestation who were suffered threatened miscarriage. Visualization of yolk sac and diameter were recorded by transvaginal ultrasound . Maternal serum CA-125 and β HCG were also measured. Pregnancy outcome was the main outcome measure. Data was collected and tabulated.
Results: There was highly Significant relation between YS size and pregnancy outcome (P<0.001). CA-125 and β-HCG were good predictors of miscarriage with accuracy 88%and 81.5% respectively.
Conclusions: Yolk sac size and maternal serum CA-125 and β-HCG are good predictors of pregnancy outcome in first trimester threatened miscarriage.