Total Salivary Immunoglobulin A Determination Before and After Non-Surgical Periodontal Treatment in Patients with Aggressive Periodontitis

Author(s): Ayettey-Adamafio MNB, Tormeti D, Vasco E, Ndanu TA, Nartey NO, Asamoah K, Kyei-Baafour E, Hewlett SA


Aggressive periodontitis (AP) is an inflammatory disease with rapid periodontal attachment and bone loss in healthy individuals. It exists as Localized aggressive periodontitis (LAP) and Generalized aggressive periodontitis (GAP). They raise total salivary immunoglobulin A(IgA) levels. This study aimed at determining IgA in AP patients compared with controls before and after non-surgical debridement.

Materials and Methods

Consented 37 Ghanaians aged 20-50 years (19 cases and 18 controls), were recruited. Questionnaire was used and periodontal examination was done with Orthopantomogram taken. Unstimulated saliva was collected before and after non-surgical periodontal therapy (NSPT). Centrifuged Samples were stored at -800C. Human IgA ELISA kits were used to determine levels.


The mean concentration of total salivary IgA before treatment for the cases was 90.3 ± 33.1 (µg/ml) and controls was 92.0±29.4 (µg/ml). After treatment, the concentration of IgA among the cases was 90.5±31.7 (µg/ml) and controls was 84.6±31.7 (µg/ml). There was no significant difference in the mean IgA values between cases and controls as well as before and after treatment (P>0.05).


There was no significant difference in the total salivary IgA levels in participants with AP and the control group before and after treatment. But there was a significant drop in the total IgA levels for the LAP participants after treatment.

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