The Role of Exhaled Nitric Oxide Fraction in Sarcoidosis Patients

Author(s): Suphi Aydin, Aydin Balci

Nitric oxide is a molecule that has important roles in various biological processes such as apoptosis, angiogenesis and endothelial permeability and therefore its disorder plays a role in the pathogenesis of various disorders. We aimed to investigate fractional exhaled nitric oxide values in sarcoidosis, a multi-systemic non-caseified granulomatous disease that commonly affects all organs, especially the pulmonary system. A total of 107 individuals, including 54 sarcoidosis patients and 53 healthy controls were included in this study. Data were analyzed retrospectively. Gender, age, body mass index, exhaled nitric oxide fraction values, respiratory function parameters, diagnostic methods and additional disease states were recorded.

Exhaled nitric oxide fraction values in sarcoidosis patients and the control group were measured using Bedfont NObreath (UK) device, respiratory function parameters were measured using ZAN GPI.3.00 (Germany) device and the results were recorded. Sarcoidosis patients were graded as stage 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 according to chest x-ray findings. Exhaled nitric oxide fraction values detected in sarcoidosis patients and fractional exhaled nitric oxide values detected in the control group were compared. The sensitivity and specificity of exhaled nitric oxide fraction values in sarcoidosis were investigated. The relationship between respiratory function parameters and exhaled nitric oxide fraction values was examined.

There was a significant difference between the exhaled nitric oxide fraction values detected in sarcoidosis patients and the exhaled nitric oxide fraction values detected in the control group and the specificity and sensitivity of the exhaled nitric oxide fraction value was found to be high in patients with and sarcoidosis. There was no relationship between respiratory function parameters and exhaled nitric oxide fraction values. Exhaled nitric oxide fraction values, which have been studied in

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