The Physical Basis of Mental Life: A Perspective on the Nature of Consciousness
Author(s): David L Ryan
Scientists have grappled with “the hard problem of consciousness” [4] for as long as there has been science. Certain realms and disciplines elude a definitive and conclusory nexus to what would, in the modern era, be called “hard Science”, meaning Physics, Chemistry and to a lesser degree, Biology. Consciousness is among these realms. By use of the term “hard science”, my intent is in no way to denigrate disciplines that might be considered outside of this definition, or to even make such a distinction at all, it is in fact quite the opposite, to simply underscore that these categorizations reflect the limitations of our knowledge, nothing else; thus the “hard problem of consciousness”. The purpose of this article is to proffer a quantum understanding of consciousness that might point the way toward such a nexus and provide an enduring basis for testable conclusions in the future.