Telemedicine and Use of Remote Monitoring in Cardiovascular Disease: A Systematic Review

Author(s): Umna Safdar Khan, Babivigasan Gunasegaran, Ann Mary Behanan, Suganya Giri Ravindran, Obianuju Efobi, Nahid Sultana, Iffat Iqbal, Srija Chowdary Vanka, Deepkumar Patel, Abiodun O Aboaba, Olubukola O

Background: With the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) across the globe, telehealth offers great potential for the management of rehabilitation and primary prevention. Lifestyle changes are also known to contribute to primary and secondary prevention strongly.

Aim: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of telehealth intervention in the primary and secondary management of CVD.

Method: The systematic review was performed as per the Cochrane methods. We searched relevant databases between 2010 and 2021. We chose studies as per the inclusion criteria and used the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guideline.

Results: Twenty randomized controlled trials met the inclusion criteria. We used different telehealth methods with monitoring, including telephone calls, text messages, emails, online platforms, and remote monitoring of physiological parameters. Compared to routine care, we found moderate evidence of telehealth intervention efficacy.

Conclusion: Our findings demonstrate positive outcomes for primary and secondary prevention of CVD. Telehealth can be incorporated as part of routine care to prevent and manage CVD.

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