Study on Amniotic Band Syndrome at a Tertiary Level Hospital in Bangladesh

Author(s): Md. Tarikul Islam, Md. Shawkat Ali, Md. Asadullahil Galib, Sahadeb Saha, HM Zafor Sharif, Sazid Rezwan


The amniotic band syndrome is characterized by fibrous bands that encircle, strangle and even amputate parts of the limbs or digits of a fetus. Amniotic band syndrome can result from multiple etiologies. But a syndrome refers to patterns of congenital anomalies due to single etiology. That’s why amniotic band syndrome can be better called as a sequence, not a syndrome. It is a rare disorder and data on it is quite scanty in Bangladesh.

Aim of the study

The aim of this study was to evaluate the presentation, management & outcome of amniotic band syndrome.

Materials and Methods

This was a prospective, observational study which was conducted at the department of plastic surgery of Khulna Medical College, Khulna, Bangladesh during the period from January 2013 to December 2020.During the period of the study in total 18 patients with amniotic band syndrome were found and entered into the study. The patients were examined clinically and the findings were recorded in predesigned questioner format. In need basis X-ray and radiography were performed for the patients.


Among affected 26 limbs of total 18 participants, in total 65 sites were involved. In 8 upper limbs, only fingers were affected and it was 26 in number. On the other hand, in 18 lower limbs: 4 thighs, 15 legs and 20 toes were found affected. Among all the participants, 8 Z-Plasty were performed in upper limbs and 27 Z-Plasty in lower limbs. On the other hand, release of acrosyndactyly was in needed in 4 upper limbs and in 2 lower limbs. The common complications of surgical procedures were hypertrophic scar (19.51%) especially where surgeries were done at late age. All scars were improved with scar reducing agent. Wound infection occurred in 02 (4.87%) cases that improved with regular dressing.



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