Using Emotional Core Therapy to Help Psychiatrists and their Patients

Author(s): Robert Moylan

Emotional Core Therapy is scientifically proven to be the most effective psychology approach to treat the root cause of relationship stress. With this important discovery in the field of psychology, psychiatrists now have an effective tool to treat their patients. Never before in the history of psychology have we had a behavioral psychology model that treats the root cause of stress. For all psychological disorders where there is no long term damage to a patient’s mind, behavioral psychology can help a patient learn to deal with stress in an optimum manner. Traditional psychology has never completely worked to treat the root cause of stress because no one knew what exactly stress was when it occurred. Now, with Emotional Core Therapy, we have direct scientific proof that the eight step model identifies and treats the root cause of stress. Emotional Core Therapy embraces any process that can help clients including medicine and the medical model. This important tool with help empower patients while giving them the option of using medication or behavioral psychology.

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