Prognosis of the End of Obstetrical Newborn-Born to EHS Nouar Fadela “Preliminary Results”

Author(s): Bouabida D, Zelmat S, Belalaoui I

Introduction: Performing a cesarean section at term or near term disrupts the normal cardiorespiratory adaptation of the newborn.

Objective: To study the neonatal prognosis of the delivery of newborns.

Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional, descriptive and analytical study; carried out at the “Nouar Fadéla neonatal service” during the period from April 15, 2015 to March 15, 2017 inclusive. The study looked at risk factors, the mode of delivery and perinatal complications.

Results: 6741 deliveries were performed. 889 newborn mothers were included in this study. For maternal characteristics: on average, mothers were 30 ± 5.70 years old and had a BMI of 27.4 ± 4.9 kg/m2. The upper route was the main outcome of the delivery of macrosome newborns. For the characteristics of newborns: the birth weight (PN) varied between 4000 gr and 5900 gr with an average PN of: 4172 ± 339 gr. Neonatal morbidity by route of delivery is dominated respectively by: hypoglycemia in 19.3%; deep hematomas in 3.8% and brachial plexus palsy (PPB) in 2.1%. Lethality was noted in 0.9% of cases.

Conclusion: The vaginal delivery is the main mode of delivery. However, shoulder dystocia is the main complication requiring management of childbirth by experienced obstetricians.

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