Pre-Gestational Obesity and its Impact on Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality at Ehs “Nouar Fadela”

Author(s): Bouabida D, Zelmat S, Belalaoui I

Maternal obesity has become an important global public health problem and is responsible for neonatal morbidity and mortality.

Objective: to study the influence of maternal obesity on birth weight and neonatal complications.

Material and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study covering 664 files of mother-child couples, i.e., (324: 48.8% macrosomes and 340: 51.2% eutrophic) collected between January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. We we analyzed and compared the weights of newborns born to parents with or without overweight. The calculation of the body mass index [BMI] = P/T2 in kg/m2) had made it possible to classify parental corpulence according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). The logistic regression analysis was been carried out.

Results: We recorded 4526 deliveries of which 664 or 324 (48.8%) macrosomes and 340 (51.2%) eutrophic) mother-newborn pairs were included in the study. Maternal pre-gestational overweight was significantly related at neonatal macrosomia (p<0.0001).

Conclusion: Excess weight has become a major public health problem worldwide. There is a positive correlation between newborn weight and maternal build before conception explaining the increased risk of fetal macrosomia in women with overweight. These data highlight the value of following recommendations for weight gain during pregnancy.

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