Pre and Post-Operative Computer Tomography Findings of a patient with a Type A Aortic Dissection Extending from the Aortic Valve to Iliac Vessels

Author(s): Saqib M Rafiq, Manjit Riyat

Aortic dissection is a high morbidity, high mortality, medical catastrophe. It is twice as common as ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm and the mortality following acute aortic dissection is often quoted in hours. The presentation of Aortic Dissection is variable and can be diagnostically challenging, which can have a direct effect on mortality in often young and relatively healthy patients. We present the case of a young man who presented to the emergency departments with central chest pain and ST depression laterally on his ECG. A computer tomography (CT) scan revealed The CT scan showed a proximal Type A dissection involving the aortic valve and the coronary arteries, extending down to the iliac vessels. The patient was transferred to a cardiothoracic centre to undergo emergency surgery and had repair of the aortic dissection, he made a good post-operative recovery and has no residual neurological deficit. A further computer tomography scan was performed 8 months later which showed no change in the patient vascular anatomy.

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