Practical Knowledge and Attitudes of Caregivers Faced with Covid-19 At Sikasso Hospital - Mali

Author(s): Dadé Ben Sidi Haidara, Kante M, Cissouma A, Traore M, Traore O, Dolo A, Traore AK, Denou M, O Koita, G Dabo

Background: Since the introduction of coronavirus in Mali in March 2020, Sikasso Hospital has been designated a management center. The aim of this study was to determine the level of knowledge and practical attitudes of health care providers regarding COVID-19.

Method/Results: This was a qualitative cross-sectional study conducted from December 10 to 12, 2020. Our sample was nonrandomized for convenience, with 42 caregivers. Direct observation and questionnaire interview techniques were used. Data were analyzed using SPSS 23.0 and Excel 2017 software. The average age was 42.3 ± 8.1 years; 85.7% of respondents were male versus 14.3% female. This population consisted of 31% physicians/pharmacists, 47.6% nurses and 21.4% support staff. The majority (69%) had a level of education that allowed them to make appropriate judgments about a health problem. All agents were informed about COVID-19 through the media, the department, their families or friends. The screening rate was 2.56 ‰. The majority of patients were also health workers (16.5%). The change in the status of the hospital as a center for the management of the disease caused "fear, stress, panic" among the caregivers.

Conclusion: This study allowed us to determine the level of WTP of caregivers in the face of this disease at the hospital level.

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