Physical Activity Outcome in Early Vs Delayed Elderly Hip Fracture Surgery

Author(s): Anto A Gopurathingal, Sachin Bhonlse, Azeem Jabbar, Amar Kamat

The study aimed to find if an earlier fixation of proximal hip fractures in the elderly, leads to a better outcome, physically and mentally. Current guidelines recommend that hip fracture surgery should be done within 24 hours of injury. But those favoring a delay in surgery believe that it provides sufficient time to medically optimize patients, and thereby decrease the risk for perioperative complication. Our study was carried out in a tertiary care center. A total of 58 patients was enrolled in the study. Analysis showed, in comparison with the delayed fixation group, the early fixation group didn’t enjoy a statistically better physical quality of life at the end of 6 months, but mental health scores were significantly above the delayed fixation group. It also showed the most common reason for the delay was late presentation followed by delayed insurance clearance. An increased hospital stay was also seen for the delayed fixation group.

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