Effectiveness of Integration of Mindfulness –Based Cognitive Therapy and Recovery Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Adolescents with Spectrum Bipolar Disorder

Author(s): Hajar Hasani ardekani, Hojaolah Javidi, Amir Hooshang Mehryar, Ebrahim Hoseni

Objective: The aim of this study was Effectiveness of Integration of Mindfulness –based cognitive therapy (MBCT) and recovery cognitive behavioral therapy (RCBT) on adolescents with spectrum bipolar disorder (BD).

Method: BD diagnosis in 80 adolescents was based on DSM-IV TR that patients were randomly assigned to one of the following: Experimental group under combined treatment MBCT & RFCBT, and groups MBCT, RFCBT and Control group (TAU) under pharmacological treatment. The questionnaires used in the research included: Manian Yang MYR questionnaire, K-SADS quality of life questionnaire, impulsivity questionnaire, bipolar depression questionnaire, Beck anxiety inventory, Coke drug abuse questionnaire. We used an analysis of variance (MANOVA), including one or two factors, with repeated measures at different evaluation times: baseline, post-treatment, 6-month follow-up.

Results: We found significant between-group differences at all evaluation times after the treatment. The experimental group showed that the effect of MBCT treatment on improving the psychiatric and psychological symptoms of individuals in three stages (pre-test, post-test and follow-up) (849 / 0) is significant. The effect of RFCBT treatment on improving the psychiatric and psychological symptoms of individuals in three stages (pre-test, post-test and follow-up) is somewhat significant and the effect of treatment (group membership) in the post-test and follow-up stage 0.27% and 0.31%, respectively, meaning that 0.27% of individual differences in the improvement of psychiatric and psychiatric symptoms (during the test) and 31/0 percent (follow-up) for differences in membership group (treatment effect) and finally the integration of psychiatric and psychological MBCT and RFCBT improves the symptoms of spectrum bipolar disorders exist.

Conclusions: Our r

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