Neonatal Complications of Severe Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia in Rural Area in Sénégal

Author(s): Diouf Fn, Gueye M, Boko Osf, Thiam L, Faye Pm

Introduction: Pre-eclampsia and eclampsia are responsible for high maternal-fetal mortality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence, and to assess their early and late perinatal consequences.

Material and Methods: This was a retrospective study in the paediatric ward of the CHRZ over a 12-month period. We included records of hospitalized newborns of mothers with severe pre-eclampsia or eclampsia. Sociodemographic, epidemiological and maternal-fetal parameters were analysed.

Results: 125 newborns were included (11.7% of admissions). They were born to mothers with severe pre-eclampsia (78.4%) and eclampsia (21.6%). The average age of the mothers was 26.5 years, with 31.7% between 20 and 25 years. They came from a rural area (49.6%), were not professionally active (67%) and were not educated (33.3%). The average gestation and parity was 2.7 with 45.6% primigravida and 47.2% primipara. Monitoring was done by a midwife (83.2%) and 69.6% had undergone less than 4 antenal consultations. Delivery was by caesarean section (54.8%), the newborn was premature (49.6%), and antenatal corticosteroid therapy was administered in 17.6% of cases. Acute fetal distress was noted in 48.8% of whom 11.2% had not cried. The average weight was 2318 g. The neonatal complications were prematurity (49.6%), IUGR (28%) and perinatal asphyxia (25.6%). We noted 12% of deaths before the 7th dayème of which 80% were premature. Four other deaths were noted between 3ème and 9ème months.

Conclusion: The neonatal repercussions are not negligible in our context, hence the need for better collaboration between the practitioners of the mother-child couple.

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