Lipofilling in Burn Scars: Our Experience
Author(s): Raymond CHALLITA, Ziad SLEIMAN, Ronald CHALLITA, Elie YAACOUB, George GHANIME
Introduction: Management of burn scars is a challenging and a complex topic. Various surgical and non-surgical options are present. Recently, a minimally invasive procedure known as autologous fat transfer is being used as an alternative technique to surgical excision for scar management. Although fat grafting may be a promising modality for scar management, there is a limited numbers of studies about their use in burn scars.
Methods: We conducted an observational retrospective study for patients referred to our private clinic for the treatment of burn scars and contractures using autologous fat grafts between February 2009 and May 2018. All patients were surgical candidates for burn reconstruction. The end result was the patients’ level of satisfaction and plastic surgeons’ evaluation at 1 year.
Results: 20% (n=40) were mildly satisfied with the results, 50% (n=100) were moderately satisfied, and 30% (n=60) were extremely satisfied. Only 40% of the moderately satisfied patients were willing to undergo more procedures for scar improvement. 45% (n=90) of the patients had a clinical improvement greater than 50%.
Conclusion: Lipofilling can be considered a safe, simple, minimally invasive, and autologous technique for plastic surgeons to benefit from in burn reconstruction before trying more invasive surgical procedures.