Insights Into Menstrual Pain Management: Results from A Quality Improvement Survey of American Women

Author(s): Margo S Harrison

Objective: The objective of our quality improvement survey was to use consumer feedback about menstrual pain to improve business practices.

Methods: All de-identified data was collected through an online survey platform called Pollfish and as defined by HIPAA regulations, no personal health information was collected.

Results: 305 women aged 18 - 54+ were surveyed. Ibuprofen (used by 56% of respondents) was the leading pain management technique employed; respondents were asked to select all management techniques that applied. Three of four next most common methods of period pain management were non-medical, including sleep/rest (45%), heating pad/warm compress (43%), and taking a bath/shower (39%). When women were asked what problem they were trying to solve with these interventions, three of the top six symptoms had to do with pain (cramps, 20%; pain, 14%; discomfort, 6%).

Conclusion: Women seek medical and non-medical interventions for period pain management, primarily to solve the problem of pain but also bloating, heavy flow, and leaks.

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