High-fidelity Simulation in Teaching Pediatric Critical Deterioration Events: A Learning Needs Assessment

Author(s): Jung Lee, Jainn Jim Lin, Shao-Hsuan Hsia, Jing-Long Huang, Cheng-Hsun Chiu, Min-Huey Lin, Cheng-Keng Chuang

Background: We introduced high-fidelity simulation (HFS) using mannequins to teach pediatric residents about critical deterioration events (CDE; respiratory failure, circulatory shock, or both) in pediatric patients over a 1-year period. For an effective HFS program, a learning needs assessment is required. We assessed pediatric residents’ knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of the new learning tool.

Methods: A 20-item paper-based questionnaire survey was completed by pediatric residents of a tertiary medical center who participated in the HFS program.

Results: Thirty-four (85%) of 40 pediatric residents responded to the survey. Their mean age was 29.35 ± 1.25 years, and 10 (29.4%) were male. The primary learning objective was the acquisition of technical skill. However, the residents considered HFS helpful for the acquisition of both technical and non-technical skills. A questionnaire with a seven-point Likert scale (1–7) was used to assess resident attitudes toward the HFS. The residents scored highly for active engagement with the HFS (mean score, 5.32 ± 1.45) and reported moderate stress levels (mean score, 4.35 ± 1.27). The residents (n = 34) considered HFS training before encountering a real patient with a similar presentation helpful (mean score, 6.32 ± 0.58), and also considered its future use for improving the management of CDE in pediatric patients important (mean score, 6.41 ± 0.7). The main barrier to HFS session attendance was lack of time (76.5%, n = 26).

Conclusions: HFS is helpful for residents learning about CDE in pediatric patients, and should be integrated into their training curriculum. Sufficient time is needed for effective HFS learning.

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