Formulated Therapeutic Food Fortified of Vegetable for Nutritional Recuperation of Undernourished Infants in Benin

Author(s): Sandrine E Kouton, Sènan Vodouhè, Waliou Amoussa Hounkpatin, Mohamed M Soumanou

The aim of work is to evaluate the nutritional characteristics of developed therapeutic foods based on Groundnut-maize and Pistache-maize. Indeed, nutritional characteristics of formulated therapeutic foods were determined and compared at that of plumpynut a usual therapeutic food. Protein content of two therapeutic foods T1 Groundnut-maize cookie, T2 Pistache-maize cookie and plumpynut are respectively 16.18%, 16.12% and 16.35%. Energy value are respectively 556.05, 584.33 and 555.70 Kcal. Iron content was respectively 12.05, 11.58 and 16.25 mg. T2 cookie presents a higher energy value and could be used in recuperation of infants, who suffer of several wasting with bilateral oedema. T1 cookie presents a higher (38.30 mg/100g) calcium content and could be used in optimal growth of undernourished infants. The nutritional characteristics of therapeutic foods were same and their mineral content was around of that of plumpynut a usual therapeutic food. In regarding, their nutritional potential, a formulated therapeutic cookies could be used for cover the shortage in repartition of plumpynut and recuperation of undernourished infants.

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