Effect of Tetra-nortriterpenoid on the Fourth and Fifth Larval Instar of Spodoptera littoralis

Author(s): Ebrahim Eissa, Salama Ahmed Salama, Khaled Hashem Radwan, Eman Hashem Radwan

Organic control gives a more secure choice to diminish the number of inhabitants in rural nuisance. Zanzalacht or tetra-nortriterpenoid is one of bio-pesticides containing concoction substances that have a bolstering hindrance property against Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Extraction methods of Zanzalacht; Extraction of dynamic standards has been done in Soxhlet contraption utilizing methanol as a dissolvable for 20 hours. Methanolic concentrates of leaves of chinaberry with the concentrations 0.7%, 1.0%, 1.3% were prepared. Metabolite from plants plays key protective role against the insect. The consideration currently is coordinated to the need of ecological safe bio-pesticides. Plants derived chemicals act as naturally safe option of chemical pesticides. Biological pesticides based on plant extracts specific to a target pest offer an ecologically effective solution to pest problems. They pose less risk to the environment and to human health. It was noticed that the methanolic chinaberry extract affected the normal development of the larvae of S. littoralis. The abnormalities obtained were classified into three main groups; namely the larval abnormalities, the pupal abnormalities and the abnormal moths.

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