Diminution of Blue Color Vision in Type II Diabetes
Author(s): Fatima Iqbal, Hashim Ali Khan
Purpose: To determine blue color vision defect in type II diabetics and to compare it with the duration of diabetes.
Methodology: Cross-sectional study was conducted at Abdullah Memorial Hospital on 120 eyes of type-II diabetics in duration of 5 months from August 2018 to January 2019. Sample was collected through non-probability convenient sampling technique. Subjects with minimum 6/12 vision with or without correction were included and age group 35 to 65 years of both genders. Eye of diabetic type 2 without any sign of retinopathy were included. Any individual with congenital color vision defect, retinal, optic nerve or choroidal lesion was excluded. Ishihara plates were used initially to screen out congenital defects. Later, D-15 test was performed for evaluation of color vision for acquired changes due to diabetes. Data was entered using latest version 20 of SPSS and chi-square was used to assess association between color anomaly and type-II diabetes.
Results: In a sample of 120 eyes, 60% of population is Trichromate, 30% of population is tritanomalous, 1.7% population is deuteranomalous and 8.3% population is both deuteranomalous and tritanamolous. Comparison of blue color sensitivity in diabetic patients before onset of retinopathy was evaluated using Chi square with p value .000 at the level of 5% of confidence interval that shows highly significant results. Results conclude that there is strong association between blue color vision defects in diabetics. This defect was observed more with increase in duration of diabetes.
Conclusion: Study concluded that diabetic type 2 patients have impaired color vision specifically triatanomaly. Color vision must be evaluated and assessed in every diabetic patient and should be made an early assessment and screening