Diagnosis and Surgical Management with Immediate Breast Reconstruction of atypical Borderline Phyllodes tumor: Case Report

Author(s): Alejandro Flores Uribe, Jorge Alberto González Arévalo, Diego Bolaños Maya, Eduardo Chávez Ornelas, Roberto Martínez Mejorada

We present the case of a phyllodes breast tumor of borderline type, one of the rarest in the breast cancer literature. She is a 30-year-old female who is admitted to the emergency room due to a stabbing pain in the left breast and changes in coloration at nipple level, accompanied by a progressive volume increase. In general surgery consultation, the diagnosis is confirmed by simple thoracoabdominal tomography and biopsy with a tru-cut core needle. The mass was resected by surgery, which is sent to pathology reconfirming the diagnosis, ruling out a fibroadenoma or nested metastases. The patient's outcome and prognosis was positive. The important lessons of this case is to share the diagnosis and management carried out, to contribute to the literature and that other authors benefit from it as information or even as a management replica. It also provides an interesting value in terms of epidemiology in the context of northern Mexico.

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