Current status of Nanoscale Quantum Materials

Author(s): Temitope D Soneye, Bolaji L Sadiku

Quantum materials refers to the branch of condensed-matter physics dedicated to the study of materials whose electronic properties cannot be understood using first-principle concepts such as Landau’s Fermi-liquid metal theory. The importance of these studies cannot be over-emphasized, with the promise of formulating novel materials for use in industries such quantum computing, catalysis, and production of micro sensors. Through the development of novel characterization techniques such as Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES) and various X-ray diffraction advances, it is now possible to gain insight into superconductive nature and topological variations in materials which affect the degree of orderliness and energy quantization within its structure. This has opened up new materials with novel properties, such as the non-magnetic ternary EuSn2P2. In order for quantum studies to effect more change in the synthesis of more nanoscale materials with impeccable heat loss properties, certain aspects of material structural composition and behavior still need to be addressed. More specifically, there is need to understand the non-BCS superconductivity of iron-based pnictides and chalcogenides, as well more insights the effects of orderliness on partial melting during phase transitions. This would benefit high temperature superconductivity through intrinsic material optimization.

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