Correlation Between Staple Diet and its Effect on Physical Aesthetics Depicted in Paintings, Sculptures and Figurines: Greek v/s. Indian Culture

Author(s): Abhishek Dhawan, Jeeja Hernole

In the specific cultural setting, the need to find links between multimodal aspects and their interconnection like regional food and regional art is necessary. The regional socio-cultural aspects such as food greatly influence human beings' physical appearances, which may be depicted in art forms. Different cultures have existed for centuries. Each culture had its unique cuisines, art, peculiar traditions, geographic location, and many prominent features which identify that specific culture distinctively. Up to some extent, cuisine and staple food plays a vital role in the culture. This review-based research focuses on finding out the prevalence of staple food and specific culture nutrition on shaping its art forms. Also, how the staple diet and daily activity of people from particular cultures shaped their physical aesthetics and how these physical aesthetics are depicted in paintings or sculptures. Hence, the article's significance is to find if any pattern exists between staple diet and art from across different cultures, i.e., for instance, compared to ancient European (Greek) and Indian culture.

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