Coexistence of Axillary Tuberculosis Lymphadenitis and Primary Sternal Tuberculosis

Author(s): Suphi Aydin, Ahmet Dumanli, Gürhan Öz, Aydin Balci, Adem Gencer

The appearance of tuberculosis primarily in the sternum or lymph nodes is a condition that causes difficulties and delays in diagnosis. Few cases have been reported in the literature. A 56-year-old male patient with diabetes presented with a complaint of swelling that had been growing for 6 months in the right axillary region and on the sternum. Various antibiotic treatments were applied for these swellings but no response was received. It was learned that the patient complained of fever from time to time, and had no complaints of night sweats and weight loss. On physical examination, fever was determined at 37.5 ° C, 10x6 cm, hard consistency, mobile, painless mass located on the right axillary fossa, and a hard mass, fixe, painful mass on the manibrium stern. There was no hyperemia, temperature increase and fluctuation on the masses. In the computed thorax tomographic examination of the patient, necrotic soft tissue was observed in the mediastinum and bilateral hilar region, causing lymphadenopathy and destruction of bone structure. Since fine needle aspiration biopsies from the right axillary region and over the sternum were not diagnostic, the right axillary mass was completely removed and an excisional biopsy was performed on the sternum. It was compatible with tuberculosis as a result of histopathological examinations of the pieces sent.

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