Closure Techniques and Suture Materials for Upper Blepharoplasty: An Extensive Narrative Literature Review

Author(s): Ibrahim H Alawadh, Waleed M Alshehri, Nouf A Alshehri, Ahmed S Alsaleh, Ibrahim Alquniabut, Sami A Alharethy


Blepharoplasty is an operation performed for the correction of functional abnormalities and for esthetic appearance. Differences in various techniques include the wound closure technique and the suture materials used. In this review, we highlight the different closure techniques and wound suturing materials used for upper blepharoplasty.


Articles related to the current subject were researched online using Google Scholar, Embase, and MEDLINE. The search procedure was performed using several keywords. Eighteen articles were included in this study.


Few studies have been conducted on this subject; however, there are various suturing and non-suturing techniques available for upper blepharoplasty wound closure, and several materials are used for these suturing and non-suturing closure techniques. These techniques include suturing with different materials, such as an adhesive made of a polymer called cyanoacrylate and wound adhesive strips.


The selection of the wound closure technique and material should be performed depending on the surgeon’s preference and experience.

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