Bilateral Lung and Liver Hydatid Cyst with Massive Hydropneumothorax: A Rare Case Report in Kuwait

Author(s): Ahmad E Al-Mulla, Derar Al Shehab, Essa AlGhunaim, Ehab Saad Imam, Hamad F Alsanea

Bilateral lung and synchronous hydatid cyst is a unique presentation in a patient. It is endemic in some parts of the world, but it is rare in Kuwait. Hydatid cyst results from Echinococcus infection, and it affects between one and nine people in 10,000 countries where it is endemic. Management of hydropneumothorax because of hydatid cyst can proceed in two or one stage, depending on the extent and presentation of the disease. We are presenting the course and management of a 19-year-old male presented with a unique Echinococcus infection.

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