Antibiotic Residue in Marketed Broiler Meat of Kathmandu Metropolitan City

Author(s): Bishal Maharjan, Rajesh Neupane, Dikar Dev Bhatta

Broiler meat is the most consumed poultry product in Nepal. To increase the productivity and met the demand there is high use of antibiotics for prophylactic and as growth promoter in poultry industry. Continuous use of Antibiotic in broiler and supplying them in market before with-drawl period had led to development of Antibiotic Residue. This study aims for detection of antibiotic residue in marketed broiler meat of Kathmandu Metropolitan City. A total of 150 meat samples were taken (75 liver +75 breast muscle), and 300 tests performed for two group of antibiotics Group A(Tetracyclines) and Group B (macrolides, aminoglycosides and sulphonamides). Purposive and randomized sampling procedure was done and commercially available test kit was used. 74 tests were found to be positive for antibiotic residue and 53 of them were above the Minimum residue level. The true prevalence was found to be 28.25%. The presence of antibiotic residue in meat found to be statistically significant(p<0.05). Antibiotic residue was found higher in liver than in muscle. This study concluded that antibiotics residue was found higher than recommended in poultry meat of Kathmandu metropolitan city, which could expose serious human health hazard. Hence to mitigate the situation one health and multisectoral approach guiding for safe and rational use of antibiotics should be implemented.

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