An Overview of the Effects of Various types of Bariatric Surgical Operations in the Azerbaijani Population

Author(s): Omarov TI, Salimova Elvina, Samedov EN, Zeynalov NA, Bayramov NY

Setting: A private Azerbaijan Medical University, Department of Surgical Diseases-I and Modern Hospital Azerbaijan.

Objective: To investigate the results of various types of bariatric surgical operations in patients with overweight in the Azerbaijani population.

Material and methods: The study involved results of 214 severely obese patients [average age 40 ± 19; average body mass index (BMI) 59.95 ± 20.25 kg/m2] who undergone bariatric surgery, 186 (86.9%) were females and 28 (13%) were males, compared post-operative complications by different technical modification, and observed fatty liver disease dynamics by examining BMI, diabetes, hypertension before operation and 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after operation.

Results: During the first 12 months, 195 (91.1%) patients who undergone laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) achieved average weight loss of 66.5+11.5 kg. In 10 (4.7% ) patients who undergone gastric bypass surgery [2 (0.9%) patients-Ru Y gastric bypass, 6 (2.8%) patients-mini gastric bypass, 1 (0.5%) patient-sleeve+Ru Y gastric bypass and 1 (0.5%) patient-sleeve+mini gastric bypass], 9 (4.2%) patients Re-sleeve gastrectomy, Sleeev gastrectomy group this indicator was 76 ± 14 kg, and during the second 6 months effective weight loss was observed as in previous months, which equalled to 33.5 ± 8.5 kg. The bupasse group this indicator was 79 ± 8 kg/Annual weight loss indicator was 71.5 ± 23.5 kg for all surgeries.

Conclusion: According to our study, it can be concluded that unlike other methods, satisfactory weight loss in severely obese patients and consequently, improvement in comorbidities observed after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) make this method mo

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