Air-Mycoflora of Some Eating Places on University of Lagos Campus, Nigeria

Author(s): Adeyinka Odebode, Ajikobi Omodolapo, Adedotun Adekunle

Fungi are found everywhere and can cause infections when inhaled. In view of this, fungal flora of some eating places on the University of Lagos campus was investigated within two seasons. Ten eating places were chosen at various parts of the Akoka-campus of the University. Air mycoflora of these eating places was carried out by sedimentation method with Potato Dextrose Agar and Dichloran Glycerol-18 plates exposed for ten minutes. The air sampling was carried out in Five months within the dry and wet seasons (February, March, June, July, and August). The results of the investigation reveal that a total of 814 spores were obtained from the ten locations during the five months of study. The fungi obtained are of the genera, Aspergillus, Penicillium, Fusarium, Curvularia, Rhizopus, Neurospora and Trichoderma. From the results, the Aspergillus spp were the most frequent observed fungi while Fusarium spp and Curvularia spp were the least frequently sampled. Culture Media comparison was carried out throughout the study months. Meteorological data was also obtained from The Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Lagos, Nigeria, to determine the relationship between weather parameters and the growth and distribution of fungi spores. Some of the fungi isolated are opportunistic in nature and are allergens which cause various diseases, irritations and allergic reactions to human.

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