A Very Aggressive Case of Adult Omental Rhabdomyosarcoma: Case report and Literature Review

Author(s): Samer H. Dbouk, Hussein Mcheimeche, Bassam F Matar, Maureen Chbat, Mohamad Rakka

The greater omentum is a common location for metastatic tumors. On the other hand, the primary tumors of the omentum are rare. Intra-abdominal rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is extremely rare in adults. Few cases have been reported in the literature and the most of them were in the pediatric population. Omental rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) in an adult, is an even rarer case that deserve the presentation. We are reporting a case of intra-abdominal rhabdomyosarcoma in a 54-year-old lady who presented with constipation and increasing abdominal girth. Investigations revealed disseminated omental rhabdomyosarcoma. We decided to start chemotherapy, but unfortunately she passed away on the tenth day of treatment.

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