A Suspected Poor Glycemic Control of Type2 Dm Patient in Bangladesh. A Study in Dhaka Medical College Hospital

Author(s): Barua Sushanta, MA Jalil Ansari, Rita Rani Barua, Barua Prashanta, Indrajit Prashad

Background: Poor Glycemic Control among Type 2 Diabetics in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Despite established glycemic control targets, many diagnosed diabetics worldwide fail to achieve them. This study assessed the glycemic control in Type 2 diabetics and the factors behind poor control in patients attending Dhaka Medical College Hospital.

Methods: Diagnosed diabetics on medication attending DMCH were included. Sociodemographic and lifestyle data were collected. Plasma Glucose (glucose oxidase-peroxidase) and HbA1c (ion-exchange resin) were measured. Data analysis used SPSS (version 22).

Results: Mean HbA1c was 8.9%, with only 21.53% reaching the national target ≤7.5%. HbA1c significantly increased with diabetes duration (p<0.001). The difference between the highest and lowest recorded plasma glucose in the past three months had a highly significant positive correlation with HBA1c. (Pearson's correlation).

Conclusions: This study reveals low rates of target glycemic control among Type 2 diabetics in Bangladesh. Poor control may lead to complications with increasing diabetes duration.

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