A Rare Tumour of Ileo-transverse Colon Presenting As an Incarcerated Incisional Hernia in Right Iliac Fossa: A Case Report

Author(s): Rukmini Waghmare, Kavita Jadhav, Rajalakshmi Venkateswaran, Amit Thombare, Lalramchhana, Megha Kinake.

Incisional hernias are delayed complications of abdominal surgery and occur in 0.5-13.9% of patients. Neoplasm of intestine presenting as a content of hernia is rare. Few cases have been reported in literature. Sigmoid colon and caecal malignancies presenting as inguinal hernia have been reported. In present case, a 60 years old female patient presented with a strangulated incisional hernia in the right iliac fossa with gangrenous changes of the overlying skin. Patient underwent emergency surgery wherein the content was found to be a tumour of the small bowel firmly adherent to the proximal transverse colon. Extended right hemicolectomy was done. Histopathology revealed inflammatory myo-fibroblastic tumour of the ileum involving transverse colon which is rare. A brief case report with review of literature is presented here.

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