A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial to Study the Impact of Multigrain Instant Health Drink Mix in Clinical Management of Anemia in Women

Author(s): Vidyadhar Vaidya, Gayatri Ganu, Ninad Naik, Murugan Narayanaswamy


WHO considers Iron Deficiency Anemia (IDA) as one of the most expensive diseases in the world due to lost productivity and the sheer numbers of the affected population. In 2019, global anemia prevalence was 29.9% (95% uncertainty interval (UI) 27.0%, 32.8%) in women of reproductive age, equivalent to over half a billion women aged 15-49 years. Prevalence was 29.6% (95% UI 26.6%, 32.5%) in non-pregnant women of reproductive age, and 36.5% (95% UI 34.0%, 39.1%) in pregnant women.

Trial design

Trial was randomized controlled and parallel arm involving 60 patients with Anemia included in two parallel groups, Health Drink Mix Group and Control Group (n = 30/group).


Health drink mix group (N=30) were advised to take 30 gm Multigrain Instant Health Drink Mix with warm milk twice a day for 90 days and were provided counselling for nutrition and anemia over 90 days. Control group (N=30) were advised to consume warm milk twice a day and provided counselling for nutrition and anemia over 90 days.


There was significant increase in hemoglobin levels (20.6%) in Health Drink Mix treated group compared to 2.76% in control group. The levels of serum iron were significantly increased in Health Drink Mix Group than control group (35.38%). Health Drink Mix led to reduction in symptoms such as weakness, pale and yellow skin, dysmenorrhea, lightheadedness. There was significant reduction in fatigue severity score in Health Drink Mix treated group than control.


It can be concluded from the present study that

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