A Prospective Comparative Study of Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy Vs Open Haemorrhoidectomy (Milligan Morgan) in its Outcome and Postoperative Complications

Author(s): Nambula Malyadri, Veera Jayachandra Allu

Introduction: Stapled hemorrhoidectomy has been considered as a novel technique in the surgical treatment of prolapsed hemorrhoids. Although it involves substantial added cost, it resulted in shorter period of convalescence in comparison with Open hemorrhoidectomy. Aim: To investigate and compare the outcome and post-operative complications in patients with grade III and IV hemorrhoids who underwent hemorrhoidectomy with either Stapler hemorrhoidectomy or Milligan Morgan hemorrhoidectomy.

Methods: A total of 80 patients between the age group 28 to 40 years who were diagnosed with grade III and IV hemorrhoids, were divided into two groups equally. Group- 1 contains 40 Patients undergoing Stapler hemorrhoidectomy and Group- 2 contains 40 Patients undergoing Open hemorrhoidectomy/Milligan Morgan. Post-operatively patients of both the groups were assessed for bleeding, pain against pre-operative symptom profile, development of recurrence and long-term complications. Comparative analysis between the two groups were done based on student’s T test using SPSS software version. The level of significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05).

Results: Stapler hemorrhoidectomy technique was quicker to perform in comparison with Open hemorrhoidectomy (p value < 0.001). Hospitalization and duration of resumption to daily activity was less in Stapler hemorrhoidectomy group as compared to Open hemorrhoidectomy/Milligan Morgan group (p value < 0.001).

Conclusion: Both methods were effective in the treatment of hemorrhoidectomy, however the advantages of Stapler hemorrhoidectomy in terms of lesser operative time and intra and post-operative bleeding and lower incidence of various post-operative complications was observed.

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